whatever happened today with the appointments, i've had enough.
today kena screwed by MO for appointments for at least 15mins to 30mins. literally had the life sucked out of me.
yesterday also the same...i hate it whenever someone just dunwan to move and make things difficult for us.
after that i take it out onto the problems with my senior medic. explaining the situation to him.
its been a difficult everyday battle in admin counter. dealing with impatient personnels is one thing, dealing with that fucked up NS section from HRMC is another.
nowadays i get tired really easily...i know i nd rest but i also know i nd to do alot of other things...but sometimes...afternoon naps are just irresistible haha.
again, my birthday is coming again and this time i will be 23 le....time really fly. but then again, that day i wonder will i get anything that will really surprise me? i dunno, and doesnt expect much anymore.